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Hate cleaning toilets? Have bathroom towels that smell awful? Rugs looking a little sad? Here are a few quick and simple ideas to refresh your bathroom: making toilet bombs, cleaning musty towels, and refreshing plush rugs!
Citric Acid (it’s actually best to use 100% pure, not the canning kind, although it works!): http://goo.gl/EEf8ky
Essential Oil: http://goo.gl/IaYuLo
Crystal Wash Laundry Balls Info: http://goo.gl/PU2qu3
Cas’ Stuffed Animal Refresh Video: https://goo.gl/hTXokw
RECIPES & MORE ON MY BLOG: http://www.doitonadimeblog.com/2015/10/3-easy-bathroom-refreshes/
MY FAMILY CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/user/doitonadimefamily
MY FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DoItOnADime
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MY TWITTER: https://twitter.com/DoItOnADimeLife
MY PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/doitonadime/
Write me at:
Kathryn “Doitonadime”
P.O. Box 1436
Matthews, NC USA
*This is not a sponsored video. All opinions are genuinely my own. Links contain affiliates.*
Advanced Carpet Cleaning
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