The Sapphire Scientific Hoss 700 is quite a robust rotary for hot water extraction carpet cleaning. Lots of innovative features making it not only a deep cleaning rotary but very attractive and durable likewise. I know in the beginning they had a few kinks with pressure but that one problem is non-existstant now. So after testing it out in the field I can easily say this is a premium rotary and would serve any carpet cleaner nicely. Enjoy!
Serafian’s Oriental Rugs in Albuquerque, NM | How to Judge Quality in Hand Knotted Oriental Rugs
A quick guide to judging quality in hand knotted oriental rugs.
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Serafian’s Oriental Rugs have been Albuquerque’s leader in area rug cleaning and area rug repair for over 25 years!
Serafian’s Oriental Rugs
1421 Wyoming Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM, 87112
Cleaning Carpet Stains : Carpet Cleaning: Removing Blood
Use a white towel to clean blood from carpet. Learn to remove blood from carpets with cleaning tips from a vice president of a carpet cleaning company in this free video on housecleaning.
Expert: Lisa Goldsworthy
Bio: Lisa Goldsworthy is vice president of ACE Carpet & Upholstery Care, Americas Cleaning Experts.
Filmmaker: KT! Eaton