www.aperturecleaning.com Process of Cleaning a badly damaged carpet using a carpet cleaner and buffer to bonnet.
Back To School Locker Organization & DIY Decorations | Tumblr Inspired!
Cute, easy locker DIY organization and ideas!
CAN WE GET THIS TO 100,000 likes!?
What to do when you’re bored: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7edeMtCA6VU
This was so fun to film with them! I hope you like all of our diy locker ideas. they are all super easy and cheap and perfect for back to school!
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Cleaning Tips : How to Clean Spots Out of Carpet
When spot cleaning the carpet, it’s important to have a little scrub brush for working vinegar and water down into the threads of the carpet. Use elbow grease, patience and vinegar to suck the moisture out of carpet with help from a professional house cleaner in this free video on carpet cleaning tips.
Expert: Rachel Yatuzis
Contact: www.greenkleeninc.com
Bio: Rachel Yatuzis is a professional house cleaner in Nashville, Tenn., specializing in using everyday household items for cleaning purposes.
Filmmaker: Tim Brown
Series Description: When removing ink from dry clean-only clothes, wet the area with a sponge, and douse the fabric with hairspray or apply rubbing alcohol using a cotton ball. Work out an ink stain without ruining the fabric with help from a professional house cleaner in this free video series on cleaning tips.