Rug Doctor Coupon – How save on Carpet Cleaning with Rug Doctor Coupon
Many people want to save a few bucks and clean their own carpet. Many supermarkets have Rug doctors that you can rent for as low as .00 bucks with Rug Doctor Coupon. You will also need the cleaning supplies shampoo and spot treater so ad on anther .00. There are some very important things to consider when using one of these devices.
You should also look at picking up a carpet rake to rake the carpet before getting started. A carpet rake can be found at any home depot or Lowes. Some Walmart’s carry them as well. It looks very similar to a regular yard rake but only plastic and about half as wide. You use a rake to brush the carpet fibers and get them to stand up straight. As you walk on carpet is gets matted down and traps the dirt. By raking you are opening up the pockets that have dirt trapped in them. It’s not a bad idea to use a rake even when your not getting your carpets cleaned because it will help them stay cleaner longer.
After you rake the carpet be sure and use a good vacuum to fully pick up all the loose dirt. In many cases a second vacuuming is recommended. Now that all the loose dirt is gone pre-treat and stain and high traffic areas of the carpet. Be sure and follow the directions on the bottle. In some cases you are better off testing the product first in a corner closet or some place out of the way. This is to ensure you will not be causing any carpet discoloration.
Once the floor is pretreated, start up the rug doctor and clean those floors. The full directions on how to use the rug doctor are on the side of the machine it’s very simple to use. Be sure and overlap your streaks when you clean the carpet. Another simple tip is to go slow. Yes you will use more solution but often times going slow will help. Once you are done go back and pick up any excess water on the carpet with the machine. Most likely you will have to go over the heavy traffic areas a few times but that is normal when cleaning carpets even with heavy duty cleaning products. By following these simple no brainer tips you should be able to get your carpets looking around 70 percent cleaner. Most do it yourselfers would agree that cleaning your own carpets is a good way to go. One thing to keep in mind is you should have your carpets cleaned regularly.
Rug Doctor Coupon – How save on Carpet Cleaning with Rug Doctor Coupon
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