This patented multifunctional carpet cleaning machine TOTAL 2.5DS has 3 basic functions that provide professional carpet cleaning: beating, washing and wringing. The combination of these fundamental functions in one device saves space required for cleaning by 50% compared to the conventional method.
The work is carried out comfortably, as all activities associated with a carpet movement is reduced to a minimum. This increases productivity. The device helps to protect the environment, because it has a water recirculation system which allows you to recover and reuse up to 60% of water. Operation of this device is safe, because the machine is designed in such a way that minimizes leakage of water on the floor. Due to its small size and emitting low noise, machine can be set up, for example, at a shop located on the ground floor of an apartment block or tenement house.
Machine is offered with maximum working width from 250 to 450 cm.
Inquiries and orders:
Carpet washing machines
Машины для чистки ковров
Machinen für die Teppichwäsche
Maszyny do prania dywanów
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