In this episode of Galactic Carpet Care vlogs I am sharing with you guys my equipment. Understand that I am a 22 year old high school graduate that plans on building this business as my clientele grows. My dad was a carpet cleaner for 20 years and so I decided starting a business would supplement my life nicely. I enjoy cleaning carpets, but I would like to have somebody work under me so they can clean carpets and I can clean carpets occasionally so I’m not running my body down to much.
Buying used equipment is a good way to build up your business equity. I bought that beat up van that you see in the video, and that automatically raised my business’s value a ,000. It’s just a beat up van but it’s still a vehicle. My plan is to constantly buy things for my company and get it to where I have ,000 in equity, and then work off of that.
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