I have 3 kids and a husband who gets just as dirty. My girls hate wearing shoes and we often call them “black foot” because they play in the dirt, sand, mud and grass and come in every night with black, dirty feet and come traipsing in all over my carpet. My tan carpet is now a mix of black and grey and dark brown colors. I try everything to keep it clean, and a few have discolored my carpet in spots. This carpet cleaner was great. No discoloration, no sticky feeling on your feet after its been cleaned, no sticky feeling when pouring it. No awful, toxic chemical smell, just a nice fresh scent and powerful cleaning abilities. I tried it, as directions said, with 1 oz per 1 gallon of water and used my upright steam cleaning carpet shampooer. You could see the difference after one go over, and more so when I was finished. My carpet is cleaner than it has been in a long time. I really like this cleaner. It got my Very Dirty Carpets clean again! Yay!
http://www.amazon.com/Cleaning-Concentrated-Professional-Deodorizer-Extraction/dp/B019EE1ZJC?ie=UTF8&keywords=carpet%20cleaning%20solution&qid=1464570516&ref_=sr_1_59&sr=8-59 #VDCCarpeCleaningSolution #gotitfree #Tomoson #cleaning #carpets #cleaner #musthave #amazon #cleaningtips #professional #solution
I did get to try this free but these are my own opinions and experiences.
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