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Carpet Cleaning
Professional Shaggy Carpet Cleaning at Amin Carpets
282 Changi Road Singapore 419761
How to clean carpet – 6 carpet cleaning secrets from the pros
How to Clean Carpet? it’s tricky question.
you could ruined your carpet if you do any thing wrong.
Here are Best 6 Tips which help you a lot in Cleaning Carpet.
A brief to what you will see in this video:
1- Blot Stains, Don’t Rub them.
“the key is blotting. Blotting puts a small amount of pressure on the stain to soak it up”
“Rubbing causes the particles to get ground into the carpet fibers, and this lead to premature breakdown of fibers
2- The club Soda process.
Club soda is effective against beer and wine stains.
let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes to soak in.
Then, press a clean sponge onto the area to soak up the solution and the stain.
you may repeat this process to eradicate the stain
Once the stain is gone, rinse the spot with warn water.
3- Try Shaving Cream.
Apply the shaving cream directly to the stain and let it set for about 30 minutes.
4- Freeze-Dried Gum.
Freeze a gum with ice cubes for about 30 seconds.
once the gum is frozen solid, use a spoon to lift up the glob and cut the stands of carpet as close to the gum as possible.
If you cut only a small amount of carpet, the spot shouldn’t be noticeable.
5- Heat wax
1-Place a white cloth over your iron.
2-then put the iron on top of the wax to warm it up.
3-Finally, scrape off the wax with a butter knife.
4-lay a paper towel over the surface area and iron on the paper.
Important notes:
1-Important note: Don’t use the iron this way for more than 30 seconds or you risk burning the carpet.
2-Important note: Don’t use the iron this way for more than 30 seconds or you risk burning the carpet.
6- Deep-Clean Regularly
1-Steam cleaning involves using a cleaning solution under pressure injected deep into the carpet via water-jet nozzles.
2-Then the machine extracts the solution along with the dirt and debris in the carpet.
3-it recommended to deep cleaning every six months for a family of four.
Here Are some related video about Cleaning Carpet:
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