The Jenntec six step dry carpet cleaning process in Bay City, Freeland, Saginaw, and Midland MI.
http:/ 989-493-3276
We Eliminate the Three Major Complaints Associated with Traditional Carpet Cleaning
According to the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration (IIRC), carpets should be professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months. Doing so offers a myriad of benefits including; improving the look and feel of your home, prolonging the life of your carpet, reducing molds and allergens, controlling dust mites, and eliminates trapped pollutants. So why is it that with so many benefits associated with regular cleaning that many homeowners choose not to follow these guidelines? When asked, consumers sited three major complaints…. wet carpets with long dry times, returning spots, and fast re-soiling.
At Jenntec, our dry extraction cleaning method eliminates these three issues, while still producing magnificent, long lasting, and superior results.
1. Wet Carpet Cleaning with Long Dry Times.carpet cleaning bay city
Without question the leading advantage of using our dry extraction method is the fast dry time. With most traditional carpet cleaning methods it can take several days for your carpet and pad to be completely dry. In comparison, the Jenntec dry extraction method will leave your carpet dry in 20 minutes or less. To put it in perspective, on a standard job we will only use 2-3 gallons of water in your whole home! A traditional cleaner typically uses 90 or more while only extracting about 70% of it.
2. Returning Spots
Traditional carpet cleaners will usually get your spots out, but often times these spots magically reappear a few days later. Why? Spots return because of a phoneme known as wicking. All of the remaining dirty water that the technician did not completely extract sits in the carpet backing and pad then dries from the bottom up. While drying the carpet fibers can act as a wick pulling up the dirty water left behind causing the stains to reappear. Because we use almost no water, our carpet cleaning process eliminates this problem making wick-back all but impossible!
3. Fast Re-soiling
Traditional carpet cleaners use hot water and heavy detergents to clean your carpets. After carpet cleaning, the water and detergent is extracted out of the carpet. The problem with this method is that much of the water is left behind along with a sticky detergent residue. This residue acts as a sponge and attracts dirt, grease, and grime which can quickly re-soil your rugs. At Jenntec, we only use mild all-natural detergents that are encapsulated in micro-sponges. These micro-sponges are only slightly damp making them easily extractable which in turn prevents any left behind sticky, dirt attracting deposits.
Give Jenntec Dry Carpet Cleaning a try. We’re all-natural, clean, green, dry, and exceptionally effective. I guarantee it!