Get your carpets cleaned with The Home Depot Tool Rental Center. You’ll find cleaners that are easy to use from great brands like Rug Doctor and Kent that also have attachments for added cleaning for stairs, furniture and upholstery.
Carpet Cleaning
House Cleaning & Stain Removal Tips : Best Steam Carpet Cleaning Machines
Find the best steam carpet cleaning machines by looking on the Internet for detailed reviews of different products, or by asking the people who sell and rent steam cleaners. Get information on the important features of steam carpet cleaners from a professional house cleaner in this free video on steam cleaners.
Expert: Rachel Yatuzis
Bio: Rachel Yatuzis is a professional house cleaner in Nashville, Tenn., specializing in using everyday household items for cleaning purposes.
Filmmaker: Tim Brown
Series Description: Cleaning mildew off of plastic collectibles requires putting a splash of vinegar into a sink of hot water and using a sponge to work out the mildew and dirt from the crevices. Avoid submerging plastic collectibles in water if they have batteries with advice from a professional house cleaner in this free video series on housecleaning and stain removal tips.
How To Price Your Carpet Cleaning And Double Your Profits
Clients always ask me how they should price carpet cleaning. How much should I charge? What are the best specials to advertise? In this video I show the exact method I used to literally double my profits over night.