You will be shocked by the before + after of this room! My fiance and I recently transformed my spare room with carpet into a pinterest walk in closet [with hard floors] on a budget! Give this video a thumbs up if you liked it!
Wanna see my shoe closet? Click here!
Big thanks to Style Code Live for the feature!
You won’t BELIEVE what my closet used to look like! See the extreme closet makeover and the amazing storage + organization transformation! Give this video a thumbs up to let me know if you liked it!
Watch our last closet makeover!
because we’re real friends.
instagram: @carlycristman @carlyscloset
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Hey guys! Today’s video is an extreme closet makeover on my spare bedroom in my house! This room before was a bedroom with brown carpeting + dark curtains.I thought I would film the process of setting up the closet storage + organization and show you the final closet makeover!
I was not a fan of the carpet in this bedroom. I wanted to have hard floors but couldn’t actually rip the carpeting out of the room because I’m renting the house. I needed a non invasive solution and since it was temporary I wanted it to also be budget friendly. Enter these uni click floors!
I considered getting a large rug for the room- it would have been much quicker / easier, but it actually would have cost more money [in same cases] and wouldn’t have achieved the look I was going for.
Tips for your own closet makeover / closet organization + storage:
1. Take everything out:
I like to start by taking everything out of the space. This way you really have to decide what is staying and it’s easier to declutter!
2. DIY Organization + Storage:
I like to set up storage systems.It makes it so much easier to keep the closet clean and tidy if there are specific storage spots for everything!
3. Group by function
I like to organize by function or type of product [purses, socks, etc]
This way it’s easy to find what you’re looking for and even easier to keep the space organized in the future!
The floors that we used were laminate and were one of the thicker options available. We purchased them from a wholesale store but they have similar options available at home depot etc.
Please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoy room makeover videos or home tour videos! It helps me know what content you like!