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If your rug must be stored for more than a few months it should be thoroughly cleaned, mothproofed, and wrapped in tough protective synthetic paper like “Tyvek”® building paper. The best way to store rugs is to keep them rolled. Obviously, if you fold a rug for a long period of time creases will form. This results in the foundation of the rug weakening from the pressure being exerted along a folded area and could possibly break.
To avoid mildew or dry rot make sure the rug is completely dry before rolling and storing. It is also best to roll a rug around a support tube. Avoid using PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipe — which can give off damaging chemicals as the PVC breaks down. Also avoid newspaper as it is usually quite acidic, and does not provide the protection from insects or moisture your stored rug needs.
The best location to store your rugs is a room that is cool, dry and dark, or where natural light can be blocked. Avoid using attics and basements, which are usually without climate control and suffer the largest swings of temperature and relative humidity. Wherever your rug rests make sure it is a clean dry space well beyond the reach of rodents and rising water.
The only effective protection against moths during storage is zinc fluorosilicate, which will remain effective until the rug is cleaned. Products such as moth balls and cedar chips do little to repel moths and the odor left behind can be difficult to remove. If you don’t want to treat your rugs chemically, and your rugs must be stored, then inspecting them at regular intervals is essential.
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