Diy ideas – Natural skin and hair care tips for girls..
Monster Zit:Problem:
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The big dance is hours away, and you’ve got an erupting volcano on your nose.
Solution: Don’t pop! Picking at a pimple will only make it more glaring. Wash with a gentle cleanser and use a benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid cream. Apply a light layer of oil-free, “noncomedogenic” cover-up, which won’t block your pores and cause more eruptions. Diy ideas – Natural skin and hair care tips for girls..
Peeling Skin:
Problem: You meant to get a tan, but you burned instead. Now your skin is red and peeling.
Solution: A moisturizer containing aloe may help ease the pain and make your flaking skin less noticeable. Peeling generally lasts a few days, as your body removes the damaged skin. For your skin’s health and to avoid burning in the first place, wear sunscreen with a broad spectrum sunscreen (with a SPF of at least 30) when you go outside and be sure to reapply it every two hours while out in the sun. Diy ideas – Natural skin and hair care tips for girls..
Hairy Arms:
Problem: Your arms look like your mom’s fur rug!
Solution: First, ask your mom or aunt whether you truly have too much arm hair. Teens can obsess about body features that others consider quite normal. If you still want to take action, try a depilatory, which removes hair with chemicals. Ask your doctor which kind is best for you. Use a moisturizer afterward to prevent irritation. Don’t shave arm hair — it will grow in stubbly…….
Diy ideas: Natural skin and hair care tips for girls.
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