How to Eliminate Wine Stains From a Rug or Tablecloth
00:00:40 Steps
00:00:45 1 – Pour white wine on top of the red wine stain
00:01:08 2 – Blot the area carefully using a clean, dry cloth
00:01:27 3 – Pour some club soda onto the stain
00:02:00 4 – Mix 1 tablespoon of ammonia into 1 cup of warm water
00:02:22 5 – Add 1 teaspoon of liquid carpet shampoo, laundry detergent or hand washing dish soap to 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide
00:02:50 6 – Try a commercial stain remover if your attempts at removing the stain have not succeeded
00:03:14 7 – Rinse the area with clean, warm water and blot it dry one final time when you are satisfied
00:03:28 8 – Call in a carpet cleaning professional if the stain is still visible
00:03:39 Tips
Content taken from WikiHow
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