How to Wash a Horse Rug
00:00:47 Steps
00:00:52 1 – Lay the rug over a fence and bang it to remove dirt and grass
00:01:03 2 – Use an old dandy brush to brush out the worst of the dirt
00:01:14 3 – Turn the rug over and brush the underside to get rid of the worst of the sweat and hair
00:01:26 4 – Fill a large bin with hot water and non-bio soap
00:01:47 5 – Put the rug in the water and beat it with a clean broom
00:01:57 6 – Leave it to soak
00:02:06 7 – Lay it out on the floor and scrub it with a brush or broom
00:02:17 8 – Remove any straps that are removable
00:02:34 9 – Make any remaining straps as short as possible and cover them with a sock to protect the washing machine
00:02:48 10 – Wash in the machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions
00:03:08 11 – Hang the rugs up on a strong washing line or over a fence, ideally in the wind and sun
00:03:36 12 – Check that the rug is completely dry, especially if you are about to store it
00:03:48 Tips
00:05:20 Warnings
Content taken from WikiHow
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