Getting rid of urine odor naturally, from a Needlepoint rug, shipped from Maryland.
Cleaning and Removing urine odor, from, Needlepoint Rug.
The perfect combination, the Dead Sea Minerals and the PetPeePee System, Will insure eliminate 100% of Cat pee smell.
PetPeePee 100% urine odor removal, PetPeePee advanced, thoroughly cleans the needlepoint carpet and removes 100% urine Crystal, from your Heirloom rug, with a series of treatments, using a Blended, Natural, Eatable Minerals from the, Dead Sea, as a primer cleaner, the PetPeepee uses. Invented by Meir martin.
ANCP is an Organic cleaner, base on the Minerals from the Dead Sea that combines natural minerals from the ground and the “Salt from the Dead sea”
All the cleaner solutions the ANCP used in Organic, Odor free and Eatable.
The benefit of using the Dead Sea Minerals is that it will never deposit in the particulars that have been clean any masking odor or any film, of oil that soap leave.
The reviews that, PetPeePee Service received from, Angie’s List Customers, speak for itself and reword as as A.
PetPeePee, Serious Business for Serious Problames.
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