This video shows two items which are great investments for general cleaning, and carpet cleaning specifically.
One is the Rigdid WD 1450 Wet/Dry Vacuum, which is in-expensive, powerful, and very quiet compared to most W/D vacs. It cost around 0
The second item is the Carpet and Hard Floor Nozzle, which cost approximately , and is great for vacuuming carpet, even nice carpet on a day-to-day basis (it even works good at flood cleanup on carpeted areas, as it doesn’t “lock down” as standard nozzles do).
Both of these together are a great addition to anyone who has to vacuum floors, especially if they occasionally have to cleanup really bad messes on carpeting.
(Check out my in-depth review on the Carpet and Hard Floor Nozzle on “Reviews” at the Home Depot page for that item-see the review from “Carpet Guy”.
Thanks for checking out my video’s!
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